For the Discriminating Sexist
During the "Rampage Against Penthouse" and our years of battles against Hustler Magazine we found ourselves with more than our share of ripped up men's magazines, and it seemed so wasteful.
So we came up with these ideas about what to do with them. We had public demonstrations illustrating these possibilities, including creating high fashion. We got magazines in stores, but don't be limited in your search. Surely your lovers, husbands or fathers have old copies of magazines just laying around the house in the bathroom or stuffed away under the mattress? It's good therapy to rip up pornographic magazines and besides it's a lot of fun.
- To line Kitty Litter Boxes
- To replace Sears
- Catalogues as toilet paper
- New Years and Wedding Confetti
- Mail to pornographers and (the other) ACLU members and other people who say they believe in freedom and equality.
- Fire starters, kindling and paper logs
- Pornatas
- Sop up oil spills from ocean liners and in the garage
- To form protective ritual circles
- Paper mache arts and crafts
- Prom dresses and throw away paper fashions,
and bathing suit tops (if you wear them).
- Toilet paper flowers and Christmas and funeral wreaths
- Decopage decoration for women's center walls
- Cheerleaders pom-poms
- Public burnings with flags
- Party Hats
- Pop art jewelry
- Padding to provide perfect vital statistics (stuff bra, girdle etc.) Please note that men may stuff in pants for the perfect "manly" appearance.
- Send $15.00 and proof of five (5) mutilated men's magazines
to Always Causing Legal Unrest and become a card-carrying member
of the ACLU!