Little Miss Naughty is the embodiment of the gleeful troublemaker. A trouble maker who knows what she is doing, has a political reason for doing it, and can take joy in the doing. This, you can bet, makes almost everyone uncomfortable...and you could say that this is where the glee comes in. Upsetting the status quo is serious business, but one should never lose the ability to take joy from seeing them squirm.
Little Miss Naughties are obstreperous. They are loudly resisting control and management. Little Miss Naughties are in-your-face, feisty, difficult, obstinate, contrary, noisy, clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, sassy, stubborn, un-compromising, confronting, uppity, mad and unruly. They may think of themselves--or they may be called -- "uptight", "humourless", "anti-male", "bulldaggers", " ball breakers", "bolsheis", "too-big-for-her-boots", "frigid" usually-accompanied-by "bitch", "invert", "witch", "slag", "female supremacist", "unfeminine", "extremist", "castrator",, "nag", "neurotic", "hysterical", "insane", "know-it-all", "man-hater"and many, many, many, many, many more.
Those who have received this award, and the ones who will in the future, have at one time or another
earned this award by using their radical feminist politic to take on the staus quo, make them squirm and even taken satisfaction in doing so ... Ahhh the joy of it. Keep up the good work, you make us proud. --Nikki Craft
thanks to jennifer, pippa, del, hannah and even to Roger Hargreaves and his "Mr. Men Library" who invented Little Miss Naughty, unfortunately, so as to reform her even allowing "Mr. Uppity", "Mr. Cleaver" and "Mr. Small" to resort to physical abuse by tweaking her nose each time she did a naughty act until it was a bright red. We create this award as a form of protest against that coercion of Little Miss Naughty. We want Little Miss Naughty's to stay naughty!