Being a mailman has it's advantages. Like being able to catch little girls alone.
I had seen this particular girl often. I deliveerd the mail to her home every day at 3:30. Occasionally I saw her, long wavy black hair, alone in her house through the window. First time i saw her, I got a boner. A big one. Nearly ripped my jeans in half.
Every day I'd pass by., and every day I'd look for her. I kept thinking about how much I wanted to fuck this little doll. I'd fall to sleep nights masterbating at the thought of taking her.
Then one day, I got my chance. I had to deliver a pckage to the door. Through the window slats, I saw her. The sterio was on, and she was in a tight blue outfit, one that cuddled her breasts. The frilly dress part of it barely covered her crotch! My hard-on pulsed under my pants. I stood there and watched her dance awhile. I watched her long hair swaying, I watched those tits jounce when she moved. I watched her for several minutes. My heat rose to an unbearable amount. Still, I don't think I would have raped she not done what she next did. See,it's all her fault. I never wanted to touch her.
She noticed me looking through the window. She shut off the radio, and came to the door. She smiled shily at me. "Hello," she said in a voice as pretty as heaven, "can I help you?"
My mind was working over time. "Sure," I said slowly, "would you sign for this package?" Of course, the package didn't really need to be signed for. It was just a ploy. When she took my pen and started signing, I quickly and smoothly reached in my foot and yanked it across her leg. She tripped, falling down with an 'umph'. I rolled her over with my foot, to her loud protests, and walked in and dhut the door.
She struggled to get up off the floor, backing away from me, and saying, "What....what are you doing," her bright eyes were growing large. Almost as large as my cock.
"Quiet, quiet now little girl," I said, stepping closer to her. She opened her mouth and screamed. I cut it short by leaping at her and tackling her onto the couch. I pressed my hand up against her mouth.
"Quiet now bitch," I said, my face pressed close to hers. She shut her eyes tightly to avoid looking at me. I could feel the boner in my shorts pressing up against her leg. I wanted to slide it up and fit into her tight pussy.
Her breath was coming in short gasps. I got up off of her. She opened her eyes, they had a small gleam of hope in them. Of loved crushing those sparks when I closed the shades.
She shook her head 'No,' I walked forward and said, "If you don't, I'll beat you!"
She trembled on the couch, not getting up, teary eyes staring fearfully at me. This little girl was going to be mine. She knew it, I knew it. There was nothing she could possibly do about it.
I reached out and grabbed a handful of her luxurious black hair. I yanked her up off of the couch. "Dance bitch!" I said. She screamed once, so I smacked her face hard. Her head snapped around, the smack of my hand meeting her pretty young face loud and still in the air. It sounded nice.
Now, she wasn't screaming, but was crying and whimpering at the same time. I found that sound extreemly erotic. I let go of her, turned on the stereo, and told her to dance again.
She started to. very slowly. Keeping those large girly eyes fixed on me. She moved timidly, not like I'd seen through the window. "No, I said dance, little cunt!" I smacked her again to emphasize my point.
She started dancing faster, and crying harder. I walked around her and watched her wiggle her butt and shack her tits for me. When she lifted her leg, I had a great view of her crotch, exsposed to me but for a thin strip of blue of blue cloth.
When she went on the ground and lifted her leg, so that her crotch split, I screamed at her, "Stop!" and grabbed her leg before it had the chance to come back to the ground.
I smiled at her. "This is a nice pose," I said, running my hand up and down her naked, smooth leg. She shuddered at my touch.
"Look at you slut,' I said, "sitting there with your crotch exsposed to me. I bet you like that. You like teasing me with it, huh? But I bet you never figured i'd actually come in one day and shove my b=meaty cock in it, did you?" All the while, I had big smile on my face, and she was crying, shivering with fear.
"OK,slut I'll give you what you want."
I took off my clothes, holding her there like that. She shut her eyes when my cock popped out of my pants. "Better look at it, girl. You'll want to see the piece of meat that's going to fuck you so hard, you'll be black and blue!"
I told her to lie back on the ground. She did so, tears running down her eyes. I grabbed her other leg, and then pushed both of them back open, so that her crotch was exposed, only covered by the thin blue cloth.
I lifted her up by her legs and pushed her crotch against my cock. It felt so good, only a layer of clothing seperating her virgin (I supposed) pussy from my manhood.
"what's your name, cunt?" I asked.
"m...m.." she croaked past her tears.
"What is it? Mandy, Margurite..."
"Melissa!" she croaked out at last, then let out another sob of fear and shame.
"Good girl, Melissa. Now look at you. You got your crotch pressed up against mine. Be you like that, hmm? No? Well, you're just a little prick-tease then. Showing of your cunt like this to me; walking around in this tight outfit? How dare you? Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice? But you never gave it to me, no. So now I'm gonna have to force it from you!"
Her whole body shook from the impact of my words. I moved her body and and down to my prick. She cried to me, "Please, no, no. I never meant that. Please don't rape me. Please..Please.." Then she broke into another fit of crying.
"Sure you didn't mean it bitch. None of you do. You walk around in skimpy bathing suits, and cry 'rape' when some man takes what your offering. Well, I've seen you, little tramp, and I'm gonna get what you can offer a man!"
I got off of her and stoof up. My cock pulsed. It was huge, bigger than it had ever been. "Strip!" I demanded of the little prick-tease. She rolled over and curled up into a ball, muttering, ""
"Alright bitch,' I said heavily, "have it your way!" With that, I grabbed her by her hair again. When she was standing, I reached out and stroked her pretty neck. Had I been not holding her up by a handful of hair, she would have fallen over, she was trembling so badly. She should have thanked me.
I slipped my finger under the neck of her outfit. It fit snugle there, her hot skin on one side of it, the blue cloth on the other. "Ready, dear?" I whispered at her. Then with all my strength, I tugged at down the cloth. It resisted for a moment, and then started ripping. But it wasn't fast enough for my pleasure. I remembered seeing a zipper on the back. I twisted Melissa around and tugged at the zipper. It was quite a struggle, against both the tight outfit and her struggles, but I managed to eventually tear it off of her.
And then there she stood, held up by her hair. She tried to cover her breasts with her hands but I shood them away. For such a young kid, she had ripe breasts. Nice and plump. Not full grown, but showing a lot of promise. Her skin was smooth and tan. Her cunt had just a light bit of hair over it.
She was struggling harder now, flailing at me, making her breasts bounce prettily. The she remembered that she could scream, and she did so. I had to hit her. I couldn't have the neighbors hearing my pleasure abd coming to stop our good time.
My fist sent her sprawling on the ground. She kept on screaming though. this had to stop, so I picked up my underware and stuffed it in her mouth. She tried to pull it out, but I told her, "If my underware leaves your mouth I'll kill you. Do you understand?"
Her big eyes started back at me as her head nodded a slow yes.
Laying on top of her like this, I decided it was a good position to start in. I kept one hand on her throat, and my other caressed down her body. It slid down her neck, over her collar bone, down until I settled it right over her plump right breast. I took a great sigh, grabbed Melissa's chin to level her face against me, and then let my fingers caress down her breast. She gasped when I touched her nipple. "Oh you like that, don't you?" I asked her. Of course, she couldn't answer me, not with my undies sticking out of her mouth. But I didn't care what she thought anyway. It was my pleasure that mattered, not hers. And I'd eeeck all the fucking pleasure I could out of this bitch. Pun intended.
With my thumb and forfinger, I grabbed her nipple and tweaked it. This elicited another gasp from Melissa. I tweeked it again, and twisted it around. I twisted it to 380 degrees. Her nipple skin now looked like the thread on a screw. This must have caused her pain, and brought a series of whimpers and moans from the cunt. I smiled at her again. "Isn't this fun?" I asked.
She just groaned through the gag, but I could tell she liked it. I shifted positions and sat on her stomach, my balls dangling onto her belly button. I started playing with her tits again. I sucked on them and nibbled. Feeling a bit spunky, I simultaneuously yanked her left breast up as far as it could go, and since that would cause for less pain to this cunt than I wanted to cause her, bit down with all my might on the other. Her body bucked underneath me, and I could her her scream through the gag. I made me harder. I kept tugging at her breast and chewing on her nipple til I had had enough. Enough foreplay.
Looking down at Melissa's face, there were new tears on her face. Tears of pain. I stroked that pretty face. So lovely. I deserved this.
I slid myself down until my waist was parallel with hers. I grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her body, resting my weight on them as I started down at Melissa's face, her dark eyes filled with fear. Her eyes begged me to stop. Of course I wouldn't.
I guided my cock until it rested against the entrance to her cunt. I felt her young pubic hair tickling my cock-head. I looked deeply into her eyes and said, "Fuck you, whore!"
I slammed into her with all my might. For a moment, her cunt would't give, then it was forced open and the full length of my prick buried into her. I felt her cherry rip away. Good, I was her first. The bitch bucked and yelled in pain. "Shut up whore!" I yelled at her as I began to ball her with a vengeance. My huge cock strained at the cramped walls of her pussy. Each thrust pushed her forward an inch. I fucked her into the wall. She was still screaming through the gag. This was her first, and did not want to make it gentle.
The more Melissa bucked, the harder I drove into her. She struggled and twisted against my sexual onslaught, but I would not be thrown off. I started laughing for joy of fucking her. Good, loud laughs as the plaything below me howled. I was the fucking lord of her world. She'd never forget me know!
Still balling her, I bent over to kiss her face. Such a pretty face she had. I licked her eyes, down her nose to its tip. I nipped the tip of her nose, watching her jerk her head sideways to get away. So bit down on her ear, and teased it as a dog would.
How long I balled her, I don't know. Maybe half an hour. I do know that her cunt was really sore and bleeding by the time I got off her. When I did, standing up and stroking my still-hard cock for being a good boy, she curled up into a little ball and started to whimper again. I took a handful of her luschious hair again and dragged her to the bathroom. Jeeze, with all the hair-dragging I was doing to her today, you'd think she'd get used to it. Such nice pretty black hair makes a good leash. Melissa curled up very tightly when I began to drag her, covering up her fine chest and hiding her face into her knees. That was OK, though. I'd get to see them again in a little while.
When I got onto the bathroom, I put her into the shower and turned the water on. All the way hot. She looked at me with timid eyes as the jet of liquid scoured her body. As the stream started to rise, she tried to shy away from the now-painful water, but I kept moving the shower nozle so that it would hit her. I wanted to reach in, grab her, and force the hot water onto her cunt and asshole, but I didn't want to burn myself.
After a while, when she'd developed a slight pink quality, I tuned of the water and took her out. This time I used one of her young perky breasts to haul her out. Her body shivered, from fear, and the fucking, and the new cold. I was horney again, and Melissa wasn't helping by being sexy. I thought I'd tease her a little.
"Stupid bitch. I was going to leave now, and not fuck you again, but your so damn sexy with your black hair clinging to your wet face. Now it's wet with water, but soon it'll be wet with my cum!" I let go of her breast from my clenched fist and slapped her so she'd fall to the ground. Once their, I maneuvered the girl so that her head was positioned over the toilet. I pushed down so that her face came almost into contact with the water.
"You know what you are cunt? Your less use than that toilet bowl. At least it doesn't complain when you stick things in it!" Getting behind her, I spanked her bare ass a few times open-handed. "Bad girl!" I kept screaming at her, intermixing it with "Fucking whore" and "stupid bitch" and stuff like that.
When I felt I'd beaten her ass enough, I knelt behind her. She groaned when she felt my penis touch her sore pussy-lips. "get used to it. I'm gonna fuck you a lot more."
And in a went, pounding her as hard as I could. I reached around her body and squeezed her young breasts. when my thrust started getting even more viscious, I grabbed her wet hair to use as a handhold.
Melissa was quite fun to fuck. She was so sexy - nude, with her head in a toilet bowl. Her back was barren and exposed to me. I went over and bit the back of her neck, making her buck and wiggle. She was entirely. I hoped she was enjoying this, cause I knew I was.
When again I grew bored balling her, I pulled out of her. She tried to stand up, but I pushed her head back into the toilet bowl. "Stay there, bitch. I gotta take a piss!"
And indeed I did. When my cock grew soft enough to urinate, I let the yellow stream flow down the back of Melissa's head. She struggled and yelled, but I held her in place. When I was done, I stuck her whole head into the pissy water and flushed. I flushed the toilet bowl again and again, cleaning her off a little.
I yanked her up by her much-used hair. Staring into her face, which was distorted with disgust and pain and shame, I told her, "C'mon, let's go get you dressed, deary."