March 1, 1999
To all the women used and victimized by Bill Clinton, those known and unknown, we believe your stories. We believe you; and we honor your courage in speaking out.
Bill Clinton's patterns, established years ago in Arkansas, reveal that he is a liar and a predator who has repeatedly sexually assaulted and harassed women. In Arkansas and Washington, he has abused his office by exploiting
and subordinating women in the workplace. Clinton, and the societal response to his abuses, have undone-more than any other single force in our lifetime-the analysis and activism against sexual harassment law. Bill Clinton, as with all other sexual predators, is not our ally, and no profeminist social policy work will make up for his abuses of individual
We have never condoned and furthermore are angered and embarrassed by the silence, the confusion of politic, the cowardice, the apathy, the obfuscation and the betrayal by NOW and other feminists (1), by the media,
and by our elected 'representatives'.
We stand with all the women Clinton has abused, in opposition to violence against women, whenever and wherever it occurs, whoever the perpetrator, whether he be a profeminist, a democrat, a republican, or the President of
the United States.
Juliette Cutler-Page
Editor-in-chief, Feminista!
Nikki Craft
Always Causing Legal Unrest (ACLU)
1. Note this article printed August 4, 1998 in The Wall Street Journal entitled "Who's a Hypocrite-and Who Cares?" (Eastern Edition, Vol. 232, Issue 24, Page A, Section 18.)
"Yet the feminists who ardently believed Ms. Hill have largely stood by Clinton amid Paula Jone's and Kathleen Willey's accusations of sexual misconduct. In April the National Organization for Women briefly considered supporting Ms. Jones in her case against the president, but decided against it after polling its state and national leaders. NOW's president, Patricia Ireland, explained that the group determined Ms. Jones's lawsuit was unworthy of support because it was backed by 'disreputable right-wing organizations'. The personal is political, it seems, except when politics
dictates otherwise.
This hypocrisy does not necessarily mean the feminist position lacks merit, and some feminists, notably the anti-pornography crusader Andrea Dworkin (2), have stuck to their principles, attacking the president as vigorously as they did Justice Thomas. But the definition of sexual harassment is unsettled, and the feminist position is a controversial one. If mainstream feminists are willing to abandon their principles for the sake of political expediency, especially in such a celebrated case, they will have difficulty persuading the public to embrace those principles."
2. "Dear Bill and Hillary", January 20, 1998, Andrea Dworkin Online Library.
If Bill Clinton is a feminist then I'd like a definition of feminism. . .[and] if the feminists can stand by and watch this then they have no principles.--Bill Bennett, August 15, 1998

German Anti-Clinton Float
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