After one of our Santa Cruz protests against Hustler I donned a brown Buddhist monk's robe and some knee pads and dropped to my knees outside the 'convenience' store and began writing from one store that sold Hustler to another store that sold it. I wrote: Violence in the Media=Violence in the Society over and over again. I called it my endless continuum of Self-Perpetuating Mess; and it was in more ways than one. The police, it seems, couldn't arrest me because it would have been discriminatory application of the law since they don't arrest hopscotch players; and they would have been arresting me precisely for the content of my speech. So I kept writing and it wove throughout Santa Cruz from one store that sold Hustler to another. I wrote for three days and it went for 17 miles. I'll be posting more about the Preying Mantis Action here soon. --Nikki Craft |