Congressman John Lewis and Andrea Dworkin
Towards a Revolution in Values
by Merle Hoffman
The Congressman arrived flushed with triumph. He had just been part of
the victorious vote on the law to ban assault rifles. It was an auspicious
beginning, for ON THE ISSUES publisher Merle Hoffman had invited John
Lewis (D-GA) and feminist activist, author, and novelist Andrea Dworkin to
talk about violence in American society and the links between the black
civil rights and feminist movements.
During the height of the civil rights movement (1963-1966), John Lewis was
arrested 40 times and beaten by mobs. He was a founder and the chairman of
the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). In 1977, he was
appointed director of the federal volunteer agency, ACTION, and in 1986,
elected to Congress, where he serves as Chief Deputy Majority Whip and sits
on the influential Steering and Policy Committee.
Andrea Dworkin's books Intercourse (1987) and Pornography: Men
Possessing Women (1981) broke new ground in the understanding of male
power and women's sub ordination. Her recent works include Mercy, a novel
about rape, and Letters From A War Zone, a collection of speeches and
essays. She coauthored the first law recognizing pornography as a
violation of the civil rights of women.
Andrea Dworkin (lt), Merle Hoffman
(center) and Congressman John Lewis (rt)
DWORKIN: John, I don't have too many heroes but you are one to me. I
remember reading about you on the Freedom Rides when I was a teenager. Then
I became active with the War Resisters League and the Student Peace Union
and knew people there who had worked with you. I thought you were really
brave. There are so many political issues now around violence that I deal
with—and the women's movement really owes so much to the civil rights
movement—that I thought we could talk about violence as a political issue. I
wanted to ask you about those early days in the Deep South, what you did
down there, and how you felt then in a situation where there was an enormous
amount of violence.
LEWIS: You must keep in mind that I grew up in the segregated south, in a
very large, very, very poor family in rural Alabama. My father was a
sharecropper, a tenant farmer. In 1944, he had saved $300, and with that he
bought 110 acres of land. I was four years old and it was my responsibility
to care for the chickens. I fell in love with raising the chickens, and I
think my whole pilgrimage to nonviolence came through failing in love and
raising those chickens. I saw them as sort of innocent creatures that needed
to be sheltered and protected. I grew up with the idea of becoming a
minister, and from time to time my cousins and I would gather all of my
chickens, 100 or 200, and I would preach to the chickens. As I often say
today, they never said "Amen" but at times they would bow their heads.
When my mother or father would try to kill a chicken for a meal, or try to
sell one, it made me very, very sad. I would protest, I wouldn't eat, I
wouldn't talk to my parents, I would go on a strike. I think that was my
first introduction to nonviolence, not just toward human beings, but to the
creatures of our environment. You don't go out just killing or harming
people, animals, or things.
HOFFMAN: I see a very strong connection between feminism and animal rights
in terms of what I call a radical sense of compassion. Is that what you mean
when you talk of a beloved community?
LEWIS: By all means. Why is it that all at once we are facing so much
violence in this society? I really believe that in our own country, the
greatest need is for a revolution of values—a revolution in the minds and
hearts of people. I happen to believe that in every human being there is a
spark of something that is greater than any of us. No one has the right to
abuse or destroy that divine spark. But it's not just hitting someone. The
way you look at someone or stare also can be damaging and hurtful. That's
why I believe in the philosophy of nonviolence, not simply as a technique
but as a way of life. The end must be caught up in the means. You cannot
separate the two.
DWORKIN: For me, this is a question of tremendous personal moral crisis. I
have believed in and followed the path of nonviolence for a very long time,
from the time when I was young, partly influenced by you and by the way that
your courage spoke to me when I was a teenager, and with many other
pacifists, standing up against the Vietnam War.
In the last ten years, I have had a real crisis around this issue of
violence and I can't come to terms with it. I see women being raped on a
level of frequency and with a kind of sadism that is increasingly horrible.
And I see women being beaten in their own homes, so that for us it's not
even a question of "Are the streets safe?" because most of us are killed in
our own homes. And I see an almost complete devaluation of the worth of
women—on the marketplace, through pornography, through prostitution and an
attitude that women are almost subhuman- and a belief that men seem to have
that they have a right to control women, to control access to women's
bodies, on a visceral level. It has become impossible for me to tolerate the
way the law is not working for women, not operating on behalf of women.
I have come to believe that the only way to stop a rapist, a wife beater,
may be to kill him. If the society does not react to the violence that women
experience as if it's an emergency, then a woman has to find a way to stop
that man herself.
LEWIS: There has been so much violence against women in particular because
our society is so male-oriented, and male-dominated. You know male
chauvinism was at its worst during the early days of the civil rights
movement. But during the latter part of the movement, we started trying to
practice what we were preaching. If you preached equality, you have to live
by your creed. Without women, the early movement would have been like a bird
without wings, really. And women didn't get a lot of credit.
But now you have more women in Congress who are standing up and saying
discrimination is wrong. They are educating men and having an impact.
Violence is vicious; it destroys the self worth of a person. You are right
that the media and society have done things that are degrading women. Men
have to be willing to stand up and say, this woman is my mother, my wife, my
sister, my daughter, my aunt. She's another human being.
DWORKIN: But the situation of women seems to be almost the opposite of what
you're saying. When you look at violence against women, you find that most
of it is in the circle of those close relationships, in an environment that
we call love.
LEWIS: Yes. I have seen it firsthand. When I was growing up, I had an uncle
who was the meanest man. He was good to the community, the nicest human
being you ever wanted to meet, but mean and vicious to his wife. He engaged
in incredible physical violence. I always wondered why she just didn't
leave, why she didn't take a piece of wood and just knock him in the head.
But she stayed and took the abuse; apparently she didn't have any place to
go. And it broke my heart.
HOFFMAN: So why shouldn't she have taken that piece of wood? We are not
talking about premeditated violence; we're talking about violence that's in
DWORKIN: The fact is that when women leave relationships, they are most at
risk of being killed. And most women know that; that's one of the reasons
that women stay.
LEWIS: I consider myself a pacifist and I detest violence. But at some
point, you have to cross that line. In November 1992, right after the
election, I took a Congressional delegation to ''Somalia where I saw
hundreds and thousands of people die. I saw little babies literally dying in
their mother's arms. That's when I said we have to intervene. And that was
the first time that I've said to our government, you've got to send troops,
to save people, to keep people from killing other people.
DWORKIN: I now think of myself as a failed pacifist, a lapsed pacifist. I
see situation after situation where women are almost wrong not to use
violence, not to stop the man in his tracks. He won't stop himself and the
legal system won't stop him. Society leaves the woman isolated, to deal with
his aggression, on her own, through whatever means she can manage.
LEWIS: I don't have the answer, but I do think that sometimes we have to use
radical non-violence. You have to be aggressive. At one point during the
days of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, there was a group of
women who suggested that they would not have sex with the people in SNCC, or
within the movement, if they didn't give them a role to play.
HOFFMAN: What happened? Did they do it?
LEWIS: Changes took place. One of my former colleagues said something that I
thought was very demeaning and very derogatory about women, something that
no one in a leadership position or no male in his right mind should ever
say. He said that the position for women in the movement was a prone
DWORKIN: It's a very famous, often repeated remark.
LEWIS: Too many males in our society see women only in that light. That
they're something to be used and abused. We have to change that mind set. We
need something very radical. What's happening in American society is that we
have almost become immune.
DWORKIN: Yes. There's a level of desensitization, to pain, to other people's
suffering, and the acceptance of dehumanization. When people are put in an
inferior status in society they need to be dehumanized, otherwise people
can't feel superior to them. I mean that's part of that process of hating
people and making them subjugated. It seems that a sense of superiority and
a feeling that the woman is an object is part of what men need to be with
women sexually. So the fight for humanizing—women's assertions of humanity;
in the society- is always taken as some kind of personal intimate sexual
feuding with men. And the concept of equality between men and women—and that
equality can be real and not just social policy, but also in personal and
intimate relationships- doesn't even seem to register in the minds of most
people. It's very frustrating.
You have a political movement that is so worried about making men more
angry. Women are already being punished so much in their personal lives, or
when they\walk down the street, or by the unofficial curfew of not being
able to go out after dark. The thought of making men angrier is something
that keeps women from asserting our rights. I used to think that women who
have been raped should get little buttons saying, "I have done my national
service. Leave me alone."
HOFFMAN: Or a button saying: "I've been incested. I have given already."
DWORKIN: Yes, and this is the one day that I would like to sit on this bench
and read this book and not be bothered. I only get one day in my lifetime,
this is it, today, now. So, please, today leave me alone.
HOFFMAN: When anyone can trespass your boundaries, you are not perceived as
an individual with human dignity. The definition of masculinity continues to
be one that's laden with violence; it's sometimes laden with misogyny. How
do you change that?
LEWIS: I think as a people, we've got to say that we are all in this thing
together. We're all in the same boat. We've got to lay down the burden of
race, we've got to lay down the burden of sex. And I'm not so sure that
we're prepared as a nation and as a society to make that great leap.
HOFFMAN: Because it functions, doesn't it? That burden of race and sex
functions to divide and conquer, and keep the established power structure
DWORKIN: People who put other people down get something from it. How do you
take that away from them without robbing them? I think it's a question of
asserting one's rights. On college campuses, women are strong and active and
they organize against sexual violence in a way that is equality-directed. It
doesn't have to do strictly with some kind of law-and-order attitude. It has
to do with, we understand that this is being done to us to keep us down, and
we don't want to be kept down anymore and therefore, we're going to fight it
and do something about it. Take Back the Night marches, for instance, focus
precisely on that kind of assertion of dignity, an assertion of rights. But
there are many men who take great pleasure in putting women down and keeping
women down. So much of the problem, I think, is that if a woman is
sexualized in any way to them, then they have a right of control. For
instance, the law once allowed a married man to rape his wife. We've changed
that, but now we see new ways of trying to terrorize women developing—like
stalking. Women are being terrorized by men who fixate on them and then,
basically, hunt them. And to me, the pornography industry has a lot to do
with the way women are being increasingly dehumanized, even as we're trying
to assert our humanity towards having equal rights.
HOFFMAN: So your work on the Anti-Pornography Civil Rights Ordinance is a
way of institutionalizing that change?
DWORKIN: Well, the ordinance recognizes that pornography is a violation of
women's civil rights. It came out of 20 years of hearing from women about
the role that pornography has played in sexual abuse, in sexual harassment
on the job, in domestic violence. And so what we tried to do in Minneapolis,
where this bill was developed, was to give people hurt by pornography a
cause of action, a way of going into court and holding the pornographers and
profiteers responsible for what they are doing to people to make that money.
It's not any kind of censorship issue, it's not prior restraint. But it does
say, "If you hurt a human being when you do this, you're going to pay for
LEWIS: I support that effort. That's what we had to do in the civil rights
DWORKJN: I think the civil rights movement showed the world that the concept
of human dignity is not an abstract idea. It has to be real when you walk
into a public place, it has to be real in the way that you can make your
living. It has to be real in the way that people talk to you; it has to be
real in a way that affects your self-regard. The classic civil rights
struggle was around the ways in which African-Americans were excluded from
the body politic in the US and were excluded from the experience of human
LEWIS: Right. We were visible, but invisible. And that's the way women have
been treated. Blacks, African-Americans, became objects in a sense, to be
used, to be abused. Women are subjected to that same status in American
society. As participants in the civil rights movement, we African Americans
had to make ourselves visible. During the 1960's, there was a lot of dirt
and filth under the American rug, in the cracks—and in the corner and people
didn't see it. So we had to do something. By dramatizing the evil of
segregation and racial discrimination, by dramatizing the denial of human
dignity, we made ourselves visible and then you had the Voting Rights Act of
1965 and that type of thing. Now in 1994, as we move toward the 21st
century; women have to become more visible. They have to bring the dirt out
of the bedroom, out of the closet, and let people see it. So, we are no
longer invisible.
DWORKIN: And the visibility includes, then, the fact that when somebody goes
into court and says, "I have been hurt in this and this and this way," they
suddenly also have speech that's visible. So I thank you for your support of
the ordinance, because it does seem to me that there is an apathy developing
out of some kind of fear. People seem terribly afraid of change. They seem
terrified—they seem to feel things can only get worse. That nothing can ever
get better. That nothing is ever a chance for those who have been hurt to
say the ways in which they have been hurt and to try to get the society to
redress the grievance.
And I really believe that the most marginalized women in our society are
those who are or who have been in prostitution, who are usually kids who
have run away from home, who were sexually abused as children, and who, of
course, come from poverty, not from wealth. This is the population that the
pornographers exploit, primarily, in making their product.
And then their product gets used on women, especially in the home, which is
this dangerous place for women to be. And so, we have no homes. I mean,
we're kind of the ultimate homeless population. You look to the law to set
the standard for the kind of human community you want to create. What
equality is going to be. What it is that you absolutely do not have a right
to subject other people to.
HOFFMAN: Aside from the legislative process, how do you get a spiritual
sense of values to the country again? Because I truly believe that we've
lost it, if we ever had it. How do you bring that back?
LEWIS: When you hurt another person, you are hurting yourself. It's a type
of self-hatred. Because to deny someone else their own humanity, you're
almost denying your own humanity. It's a lack of what I call self respect,
self worth and as you suggested, you've got to be in charge, you've got to
be superior. You've got to have power. You've got to control somebody.
HOFFMAN: We're looking at a society that only gains power through the
diminution of others. How does that begin to change?
LEWIS: Through the whole question of community—that we live in a community.
That we're not alone, that we're in this boat together, we're family. I
don't mean family in the traditional sense, I mean the human family.
HOFFMAN: A few books have been written recently about middle class black
rage, talking mainly about male rage. What is happening there?
LEWIS: I think there is a feeling that we have made it to this point and we
cannot go any further. It's similar to what women call the glass ceiling.
And so you have a growing sense of despair among black middle-class males
and among young blacks, in particular.
HOFFMAN: I understand you're involved in the Coalition for Soviet Jewry and
you have disavowed Khalid Abdul Muhammed, I believe, and Louis Farrakhan.
That must have taken a lot of courage to stand up to.
LEWIS: Well, I think that the great majority of my colleagues in the
Congressional Black Caucus have said we will not have an agreement with Mr.
Muhammed or Mr. Farrakhan. During the 60's, I saw blacks and Jews shedding
their blood together, dying together. There was a sense of solidarity. And
any time you see racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism, sexism, or people putting
someone down because of their religious beliefs or because of sexual
orientation, you have to speak out. And you must isolate that from the
society. And you just can't speak out—you have to live it.
DWORKIN: So you continue to take a very activist stance. In other words, you
don't feel constrained by being in Congress.
LEWIS: No, not at all. I don't think I have changed that much. I think, if
anything, my resolve has been strengthened, to do what I can, to remove the
lies, scars, stains, and hates from the society And every opportunity I get,
I speak out.
DWORKIN: I wanted to ask you what you feel it did to you to experience
violence. Does it still have an impact on you?
LEWIS: From time to time, I still feel the violence that I became a victim
of. Some of the scars may not be visible, but I still have many of the
invisible scars. From time to time, I wonder how could people be so mean.
How could people be so vicious? To inflict violence against another human
being, another group of citizens simply because they wanted to participate
in a democratic process? I just wanted to be treated like a human being.
One of the reasons I detest violence so much is that I saw so much of it
during the '60's. Brown's Beach on the Freedom Rides in Montgomery in the
year of 1961, I really thought I was going to die. I was bleeding from my
head and at one point I was unconscious. But I came through that experience,
really, not hating anybody. I saw that people that engaged in this violence
are also victims, really. Victims of a vicious and evil and cruel system. I
was invisible, I was an object, I was a symbol, some black person, and they
saw me as a threat to their way of life.
HOFFMAN: When you say they are victims, that doesn't absolve them of their
responsibility for their actions.
LEWIS: No, it does not. But maybe these acts of violence appealed to the
conscience of a group of people who later took action. Now, when I go back
to Selma or back to Montgomery, and I run into some of these people, they
say, "We're sorry."
DWORKIN: But there's a difference between violence that's public and
violence that's private. The shock of violence to women in the home, for
instance, is that it takes place in the home.
LEWIS: And it's somebody that you know, somebody that you trust.
DWORKIN: It takes a great deal of empathy to understand that your public
social enemy is acting out of ignorance and is acting out of a kind of
spiritual poverty, and that that can be changed. I don't know what it takes
when you are in the one relationship in which you are supposed to be the
most known. There is something so impersonal in the experience of being
beaten as a wife. And to be denied your own humanity in the most intimate of
relationships is devastating.
HOFFMAN: John, you spoke almost in terms of a sacrificial concept. In other
words, some of my blood that was shed, hopefully will elevate the
consciousness of those around and then be for the good of the movement.
LEWIS: Yes, and that's different. In the cause of a movement, you make a
choice to put your life on the line.
HOFFMAN: When you marry, you don't choose to put your life on the line.
LEWIS: That's right. Political activists make the decision. You prepared
yourself, you became disciplined in the philosophy and the techniques and
tactics of nonviolence, to be willing to put yourself, your body, in a
movement. We used to talk about putting your body on the line for the
movement, for the cause.
HOFFMAN: These women's bodies are on the line for no good reason, except
that they're there.
DWORKIN: If you're battered you think you're alone. One of the important
things for a political movement to do is to let you know that you're not
alone. If you're battered and you ask for help, nobody will help you—or help
you enough- and then you think that not only are you alone, but nothing you
say means anything to anyone or makes any sense. And you start to feel as if
you don't even exist, because you can't convince anyone that you matter.
LEWIS: I think part of the problem is the mindset of so many men in places
of responsibility, in positions of power. There need to be more women in
powerful and responsible positions who can use the resources at their hands
to make a difference.
HOFFMAN: Andrea, why haven't those individual experiences of pain motivated
women to come together collectively, and put all their bodies on the line to
make these kind of changes? That's what happened in the civil rights
DWORKIN: The way women are situated in society is almost exactly the
opposite of the way African Americans were to white people, which is to say,
we're not segregated—in a sense we are almost forcibly integrated.
Women run the gamut in personalities, capabilities, and possibilities, but
we're really socialized to compete with each other for men. And to overcome
that, to have a communal solidarity is hard. The way we're socialized,
including sexual abuse, breaks us into pieces inside. We try to fix it but
maybe fixing is not what we need to do. Maybe we need to let all the broken
parts sort of shake around a little and make a little bit of noise.
Many women believe that they are being hurt because the person who is
hurting them has been insufficiently loved and that if that person is loved
enough, that person will stop—and that's not the case. Why doesn't this
country commit real resources to making women's lives safe? Is it that many
of the men who control those resources still have this contempt toward
We are visible, but not seen. And visible always when we are at our most
vulnerable, most naked, most degraded, most...with our legs spread open, I
mean, literally, when we don't even have the defenses of our own body
posture to protect us. Women will not admit how afraid they are of men. And
so there's a kind of stance of, you know, "I'm a woman, I'm free, I'm for
equal rights." But that draws a line beyond which women won't go, because
they will not face the fear that they experience, and therefore, that they
cannot overcome.
HOFFMAN: And women don't really connect with each other. There are major
philosophical and class fault lines within the women's or feminist movement.
Pornography is a major one; abortion is another; homosexuality is another.
So women themselves divide and conquer and don't coalesce. So how can we get
these two movements to have a communal agenda?
LEWIS: I think we have to reveal a coalition that transcends sex, race,
class, all of them. Because there are people in America that are being
dehumanized. And we have to find a way to dramatize it so people can see it,
people can feel it. They felt Selma. The American people couldn't stand
seeing innocent people being trampled with horses and beaten with night
sticks. And we have to find a way, even in Congress, even in the 'White
House, the city halls, the state capitols, the board rooms, to sensitize, to
make people feel it in their guts.
I think we have to organize and keep organizing. We don't rally anymore. We
don't rock any more. We don't march anymore. We don't stir up hell anymore.
This country is too quiet and the world is passing us by. We need to
DWORKIN: I think that the dignity of the people in South Africa, and the
dignity of the leadership there, the magnanimity of their souls, has been a
real lesson for all of us who thought that it's not possible to remain
deeply human when being so horribly oppressed. I feel that the women's
movement came directly out of the civil rights movement, sometimes in
opposition to the male chauvinism of the civil rights movement, but also
that it continues with the same goals that the civil rights movement had.
Very inadequate sometimes, in being able to say what those goals are, with
very impoverished means to confront society in a way that will make our
meaning clear.
But I also find myself in a women's movement that refuses to do what is
necessary. It wants to settle for the few gains for the few professional
woman that made them. Still, the women's movement now is certainly an
international movement.
HOFFMAN: Oh, absolutely.
DWORKIN: Yet in every country of the world, we see women who really think
it's all right to have women on street corners selling themselves. They
insist on defining that for us as an example of choice, instead of it being
an example of what happens when you have been deprived of human sovereignty
from the time you were a child. And that causes me great despair. But I
think that what the Congressman is saying is very important and I just hope
that women will listen. Because you don't make change without sacrifice.
LEWIS: Frederick Douglass said that in 1857: "There can be no progress
without agitation." You've got to make some noise, you got to be willing to
move. You cannot get lost. You cannot stay still. You have to have hope and
you got to stay in motion. You cannot become bitter, you cannot become
hostile. Women have got to continue to push. Life is a constant struggle. It
shouldn't be. But it is a constant struggle.
I speak a great deal about the beloved community. And it's not here yet,
maybe it's in the process, but it's going to take more than one year, a few
years. It may take a lifetime, but we've all got to continue to work on it.
DWORKIN: How did you deal with the factional fighting inside the movement?
LEWIS: I saw these friends, brothers, and sisters as part of a large family.
You have some of your most bitter disagreements and conflicts with the
people you're closest to. You don't necessarily fall out with them. You
maybe fall out for a day, a week, a long month, or maybe a year. But
somehow, in some way, you have to reconnect. You don't have the luxury of
being divided. And so you regroup and you rebuild and you move on. And in
some coalitions, you work on those things that you can agree on and then
maybe you have to drop someone here and pick someone else up and go on the
next mile, down this long revolving or evolving rambling road. It's like
keeping your eyes on the prize; you just keep on, keep going.
In the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, we used to say, you go
through this period, you go through this phase, you bring people to the
point they can come and they may not be able to make the next step, maybe
around this bend. And you may have to leave some people at this point, and
maybe they will catch on later and maybe they won't.
HOFFMAN: But you keep going. You keep going.
LEWIS: You hang in there, you don't give up. You don't get lost in the sea
of despair. You just keep going. And I tell you the journey that I've been
on has been an incredible journey. You know, you have the high places and
the low places. You have the bitter moments and the sweet moments. But the
changes that I have seen up here in Washington are just unreal,
If someone had told me in 1963, when I was speaking at the March on
Washington here when I was 23 years old or when I was being beaten on the
bridge in Selma in 1965 when I was 25, that one day I would be in
Congress, in the leadership of the House, a Chief Deputy Majority Whip,
that I would have an opportunity to go to South Africa and meet with Chief
Buthelezi, Nelson Mandela, and then President Frederik de Klerk, and go
back as an honored guest at their inaugural—I would have said you're
crazy, you're out of your mind, you don't know what you're talking about.
So, I think that change is possible. You don't give up! And women must not
give up! Just keep pushing. We have lost something in America. And maybe,
maybe, just maybe, the rest of the world is going to teach us something.
Because it was Arnold Toynbee who wrote: "It may be the Negro that takes a
message of nonviolence to the Western world." The world was mesmerized by
what happened in South Africa. People by the hundreds, by the thousands,
by the millions, wanted to vote—in spite of the violence. They wanted to
participate. We saw old women being pushed in a wheelbarrow to a polling
place. We saw an old man coming on the back of his son to vote. We saw a
person saying, "I voted. Now I can die. I can go home now." Maybe, maybe,
just maybe, it will be South Africa, whites and blacks and coloreds,
taking this whole idea of a multiracial family to the rest of the world.
Merle HOFFMAN: is publisher/editor-in-chief
of On The Issues magazine and founder/president of both Choices
Women's Medical Center, Inc., and Choices Mental Health