back to pt I
"...my feelings [of frustration] have come to a head as a result
of the decision to follow through with this year's conference in Arizona,
violating the boycott; and more, by the intense efforts of Council (of
which I am a part) to cover our asses and refuse to take responsibility
or create accountability...we pay great lip service to accountability,
yet when it appears most essential, our lip service is just that." -
Rus Ervin Funk, NOMAS Council member, in a May 1991 letter to NOMAS
The following year, issues of internal racism came to the fore
with NOMAS's decision to hold the 1991 M&M Conference in
Tucson, Arizona - a state being boycotted for conventions and
conferences by a number of national civil rights groups because
it rescinded state recognition of a holiday honoring Martin Luther
King, Jr.
The boycott, and
the incompatibility of NOMAS claiming to combat racism while refusing to respect
a boycott called by a majority of the national groups whose primary work was
on racial issues, was brought to the attention of NOMAS's leadership by several
people - most notably John Stoltenberg, a well-known pro-feminist writer; Vernon
McClean, Chair of the Committee to Eliminate Racism and one of the only African-
American activists in NOMAS; and Council member Rus Ervin Funk. Funk and Stoltenberg
were vilified for their efforts. Curiously, an open letter from Vernon McClean,
explaining his support of the boycott, was the only major document on the issue
submitted but not published at the time in Brother. McClean (as with Nikki Craft
in Changing Men a year and a half later) found himself one of the only representatives
within NOMAS of a constituency being championed by pro-feminists - who in turn
found it useful to ignore or suppress his views when they became critical of
Council's choices.
Efforts, particularly
by Bob Brannon and Phyllis Frank, to defend the decision to convene in Tucson
included personal attacks on NOMAS's critics, claims that relocation would cost
too much, and heated denials that the well-publicized boycott even existed. A
disinformative critique of the (non-existent) boycott was even circulated in
conference promotional material. NOMAS Council upheld its decision to meet in
Tucson, and to retain a Tucson promotional firm - which by definition depended
upon advocating convention business in Arizona - to organize the event. (As a
further ratification of NOMAS's boycott-busting decision, the same firm has subsequently
been retained to help organize the Chicago and San Francisco gatherings in 1992
and 1993. Given that this is the only major organizing task NOMAS undertakes,
one wonders just what, if anything, NOMAS can do on its own.)
Several NOMAS Council
members chose to honor the boycott by refusing to attend both the conference
and the attached Council meetings. Council members present proceeded with business
in their colleagues' absence, and did not even discuss the boycott. Silence,
as the saying goes, is the voice of complicity.
The political significance
of holding the NOMAS conference in Arizona, and the lack of commitment by NOMAS
to combatting racism, can be put in perspective by an imaginary alternate proposal.
What would happen if, for 1994, NOMAS decided to site its conference in Colorado
- a state now being similarly boycotted due to its recent passage of a statewide
anti-gay referendum? Such a decision, in reality, would never happen. Too many
of NOMAS's leaders are personally vested in gay rights issues. They would know
about the boycott, they would respect it, and they would be rightly outraged
at a proposal to ignore it. It's obvious why there was not a similar reaction
to a racially-based boycott of Tucson - and why NOMAS probably couldn't be trusted
to honor a feminist- initiated boycott. Or even to know about it.
NOMAS fails to encourage local, grass roots pro-feminist organizing
and instead has a fossilized national structure that saps energy
and resources...a more decentralized structure would better facilitate
local grass roots organizing. NOMAS doesn't take a strong enough
stand and as a result it attracts men who do not have strong feminist
principles. There is a lot of time wasted on in-fighting trying
to clarify positions and issues." - Steven Hill, co-editor,
Activist Men's Journal, Dec. 1992
If Only All of Patriarchy Were This Disorganized...
NOMAS's 500 members, and M&M Conference attendees, pay to support the
publication of Brother, and also form at least a quarter of the subscriber
base of Changing Men. They also support administrative costs and conference
organizing costs.
The business of NOMAS
is conducted in two annual meetings of the NOMAS Council - one adjacent to the
summer conference, and a mid-winter planning meeting. Council members are all
volunteers, serving elected two year terms. There are at present eighteen Council
members and five Alternates. Once Task Force leaders and friends of whoever compiles
the mailing list are added, the larger NOMAS Leadership Collective numbers anywhere
from 50 to 80 people - nobody seems quite sure. While a local collective (until
recently a Pittsburgh group; the task is now being assumed by volunteers in San
Francisco) handles correspondence and record-keeping, and there are Co-Chairs
that prepare meeting agendas, there is no formal, accountable decision-making
process between Council meetings.
NOMAS's track record
of refusing to deal with internal challenges to its lack of accountability doesn't
stem entirely from male supremacism. Other structural factors also contribute:
* A small, national group. With a limited budget and a geographically vast and
relatively tiny membership, information (and hence power) is concentrated in
a few hands. * An enormous and unwieldy Leadership Collective. (When in doubt,
give everybody titles!) * Volunteer administrators. NOMAS has only precariously
managed to staff one office position. Other Council members are volunteering
their time to NOMAS - after both their paying careers and whatever other political
or cultural men's issues brought them to become interested in a national group.
* Classism. The money and time required to attend national conferences tends
to concentrate power in East and West Coast middle and upper-middle class white
professional cliques. * Poor organizing. Many men active in local pro-feminist
groups don't know or care that NOMAS exists. NOMAS has had limited outreach and
frequently poor service to members in such tasks as processing memberships, beginning
subscriptions, etc.
NOMAS's inefficiency,
however, goes beyond these limitations. There is no external accountability -
nobody outside NOMAS (e.g., feminists) is allowed to provide and manage input
into NOMAS's political priorities or practice. NOMAS's relative absence from
the broader feminist movement isn't just poor organizing and networking - it's
a means of self-protection.
NOMAS also can claim
no real accountability to its members. The Council elections are one source of
input - but generally the only people running for Council are current Council
members and their invited friends. Aside from organizing an annual conference
(a task farmed out to a hired firm, one step further from accountability), NOMAS
actually does very little. There's not much incentive for a local activist to
become involved, aside from the cooptation of a nice title with a prestigious
national group. Thus, NOMAS's lack of grass roots activism also functions as
a form of self-protection for NOMAS's existing political elite.
With little or no
accountability, little organizing being done and few resources to divide, what
is left in North America's only continent- wide male pro-feminist organization
is male supremacism. A handful of people with the most access to information
and the greatest need to feel themselves in control or at the center of things
assert their power over the political agenda - at the expense of trashing critics
and ignoring criticism, at the expense of crippling the organization, at the
expense of scaring away most newcomers, and at the expense of dishonoring their
own acknowledged political philosophy. NOMAS, the great hope of feminist women,
is in fact a textbook example of patriarchy at work.
The first step in reforming NOCM should be to make the National Council a democratic
group representing NOCM's constituencies...I believe that it is possible to reform
NOCM in positive, supportive ways. Whether the NOCM leadership will allow such
changes to occur is open to question." - George Marx, Madison (WI) Men
Against Rape, in a letter to the Activist
Men's Caucus, Aug. 1987
Visualize Pro-Feminism
What might a genuinely pro-feminist organization be like?
For one, its leadership
would be answerable to feminists inside and outside the organization. For example,
a group such as NOMAS could have not just a designated liaison who dialogues
with feminist groups (shouldn't every pro-feminist be doing that?), but a paid
advisory board that would provide guidance feedback on NOMAS initiatives and
would keep NOMAS better informed on issues of primary concern to the feminist
For another, its
leadership would be answerable to its membership. A pro-feminist group obviously
is going to want to have its agenda be defined by a feminist interpretation of
men's issues as well as those issues of greatest priority to women; but that
input needs to come from the grass roots. A national structure should facilitate
communication among local activists - as has happened in the better moments of
the M&M conferences and some of the task forces. That dynamic should not
be a by-product of the organization, as has been the case with NOMAS; it should
define the organization. In the case of NOMAS, this means that the national organization
- not its task forces - should have a readily identifiable, fully funded political
program organized by and accountable to the grass roots. Leadership should not
have the freedom it currently enjoys to define, or undermine, NOMAS.
For another, the
decision-making needs to incorporate empowering structures such as concensus,
rotating representation and an open flow of political and financial information.
This is always a challenge in a primarily volunteer movement often defined by
how long it takes for its most energetic leaders to burn out and step back. But
if more activists knew about NOMAS and felt it worthwhile to become involved,
turnover for the less appealing organizing tasks would be more orderly, the political
agenda would not be so centralized, and NOMAS would not be so dependent upon
a handful of overworked and too-willing-to-be-in-control movement martyrs.
Finally, a group
operates only as well as its components. Persons who accept leadership positions
in a group like NOMAS need to themselves embody the principles their organization
espouses. In this case, it means not engaging in such traditionally male behavior.
It means being honest, being able to admit mistakes, accepting challenges without
defensiveness, sharing organizing skills, developing listening skills, and not
needing to be the constant center of attention.
I feel really good that I never joined NOMAS...NOMAS doesn't have any kind of
accountability. In fact, the organization has an unerring ability to get basic
process and politics wrong. There are probably many men who would be active and
accountable in support of women's rights. But I can't believe that more than
a dozen of them will be found in NOMAS." - John Macdonald, Ottawa-Hull
(Canada) Men's Forum, Dec. 1992
"Success must be measured not by the overcoming of a constructed crisis,
but rather by long-term and sustained organizational and political
change." - Michael Shiffman, commenting on the debate over the presence
of men's rights advocates in NOCM, in Brother, Summer 1988.
In the years of its existence, NOMAS has unquestionably done some good work.
NOMAS was willing to proclaim itself gay-affirmative, and to identify homophobia
as an important aspect of how patriarchy cripples men, long before most groups
not organized by gays or lesbians would broach the subject. The Men & Masculinity
conferences, which are convened by NOMAS, have been frequently exhilarating
chances for men to interact and dialogue honestly and openly about issues most
men won't talk about. Individuals affiliated with NOMAS, through task forces
and in their own work, have made vital contributions and include nationally
recognized leaders in battles against domestic violence, rape, pornography,
and other issues central to feminism.
What NOMAS has not
managed to do is be a pro-feminist organization. Despite years of rhetoric to
the contrary, since its inception the internal politics and decision-making structure
of NOMAS have continued to embody some of the worst aspects of male dominant,
patriarchal behavior. With NOMAS leaders, individually and collectively, acting
to protect each other, to avoid accountability to either NOMAS membership or
to feminist groups, and to discourage grass roots activist initiatives within
NOMAS, it's difficult to perceive how the cause of pro-feminism is served.
Indeed, the culpability
and the patriarchal buffoonery of NOMAS impairs the ability of all male pro-feminist
activists to be taken seriously as allies by the feminist movement. It's easy
enough to demonstrate that the implementation feminist principles benefits all
people, female and male; yet the men's pro-feminist movement in the U.S. has
remained relatively small and politically marginalized during the explosion of
popularity for men's rights groups and particularly the mythopoetic movement.
Pro-feminism's inability to make its case to American men stems at least in part
from its representation by a single national group not interested in organizing
or outreach and not particularly committed to pro-feminism itself.
Unless and until
NOMAS adopts reforms that can institutionalize accountability and prevent future
incidents such as its ass-covering paralysis and white male bonding frenzy in
the Jeff Beane/Changing Men case, the Arizona conference, the confrontation in
Atlanta, the refusal to adopt a program challenging male supremacy, the toleration
of men's rights dogma, and on and on and on, North America still needs a continental
organization run by and for pro-feminist activists. If NOMAS doesn't do it, its
leaders, members and funders had better ask why. And if NOMAS still doesn't do
it, somebody else ought to.

Geov Parrish is co-editor of the Seattle-based Activist Men's Journal.
Thanks are due to Nikki Craft, Steven Hill, Kiyoko Parrish
and Jezanna Rainforest for their help and guidance in preparation of this
article; and to Jon Cohen, Ken Dill, Rus Ervin Funk, George Marx, Andrew
McKenna, Chuck Niessen-Derry, John Stoltenberg, Jack Straton and David Ward
for additional discussion, information and historical background.
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