1. How do I get around here?
2. May I save these texts electronically?
3. May I quote from these pages?
4. Did Andrea Dworkin actually give permission to have all these writings by her posted for anyone to read on this web site?
5. May I forward these texts electronically to someone else?
6. What if I read something here and I want to read the whole book?
7. I like this web site. How can I help it keep going?

1. How do I get around here?

Just point to what you want to check out, click on it, and the text you selected will automatically appear.

For instance, clicking on LIBRARY will take you to the catalog of the Andrea Dworkin Online Library...

Clicking on LIE DETECTOR will take you to the interactive, true/false Andrea Dworkin Lie Detector...

And ABOUT SITE takes you back to where you are now.

Some texts in the Andrea Dworkin Online Library are continued from one file to another. If you want to read what comes next, click on CONTINUED. If you want to back up, click on PREVIOUS.

You can click on a book cover to open its table of contents. For example...

To read any footnote,1 click on the number.

2. May I save these texts electronically?

The materials in the Andrea Dworkin Online Library are presented for your personal use only--so, yes, you are welcome to download files (just as if you were checking a book out of a handy lending library) to read later.

3. May I quote from these pages?

If you are using the Andrea Dworkin Online Library for school or for other research purposes, yes--but only short, isolated passages.

All texts here are copyrighted, all rights reserved. This means you cannot reproduce any of these texts in any other way without first obtaining specific permission in writing from the author. (For this, you need to contact the author's agent: Elaine Markson Literary Agency, 44 Greenwich Avenue, New York, NY 10011, USA; fax 212-691-9014; telephone 212-243-8480.)

For example, if you're a teacher and you wish to print out and distribute one of these texts in full for a class, you would first need to get written permission.

4. Did Andrea Dworkin actually give permission to have all these writings by her posted for anyone to read on this web site?

Yes, she gave Nikki Craft, the creator of this web site, specific permission for each copyrighted text that appears here. Every attempt has been made to reproduce everything verbatim, exactly as these texts appeared when first published. (Any typos are the responsibility of Nikki and her merry band of proofers.)

5. May I forward these texts electronically to someone else?

No. You may quote short, isolated passages--that's all. If you want someone to read something here, suggest that they visit the Andrea Dworkin Online Library themselves. Anyone can browse, anytime, from anywhere in the world. So feel free to distribute this web address far and wide:

6. What if I read something here and I want to read the whole book?

Check with your local library or bookstore. You can also order most of Andrea Dworkin's books from the online bookstore For complete details, see Bibliography and Book-Ordering Information.

7. I like this web site. How can I help it keep going?

The labor and expense of creating, updating, maintaining, and publicizing this web site is all donated. When you send a contribution, your name will be added to the SUPPORTERS page (along with your favorite quotation from Andrea Dworkin's work, if you like).

Please make your check payable to "Pushing Buttons/ACLU" (U.S. dollars, please) and mail it to:
PO Box 2085,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-2085

Please note that Andrea Dworkin is not reachable on line at all, but you can write her in care of her agent's address, in number 3 above.