pushing the limits of free speech to even the score
(Since 1991.)

3 buttons with 5.00 handling. Total $15.00

7 buttons with 5.00 handling. Total $25.00

16 buttons and an ACLU membership card and official "Learn to Burn" button with actual burned little biddy Penthouse magazines. Total $50.00.

All buttons are 3 inches.

Instructions for ordering buttons.

Steps for Ordering Buttons:

#1. Fill out the form on this page (see below) (check the buttons you want to order)

#2. After you have picked your buttons please email Write Nikki Craft at to make arrangements for payment.

Your donations and button orders support the No Status Quo websites.

ORDERING MULTIPLE BUTTONS: We are still working out this order form. For now if you want multiple copies of any buttons you will have to specify in the comments section below. Thanks for your patience!

Dear Gentlewomyn,

Have you ever thought to yourself: "I just hate this fuckin' patriarchy!"?

Well, now, our new online feminist business, Pushing Buttons wants to help you (and the feminist community at large) express that exact sentiment with our ACLU buttons.

Besides being killer buttons and pure speech, we trust you will agree that our buttons are, as one activist put it, "trouble waiting to happen." Excellent conversation starters for the marketplace of ideas, we've always known there was a limit to free speech, but now, for some, at least, we think we've finally found it. It's true we don't agree with all these buttons ourselves, but we're so committed to Free Speech we're making them available. Besides it's so much fun to see these guys lose their sense of perspective and sense of humor!

Impress and/or alienate your friends. Don't delay! Be Patriotic (star spangled banner playing in the background with flag waving)! Act NOW! Orders placed before Dec. 15 stand a good chance of being filled before we wind up behind bars and will hopefully get to you by Winter Solstice! For rush orders please include 15.00 for overnight mail and handling. Warning. If you will on't like to be offended please don't read any further!

All money goes to support continued, uncompromised, radical, feminist activism against male supremacy and first amendment fundamentalism, and this website. All the ACLU buttons we sell you are handmade and 100% quality guaranteed.


We have fixed the order form on this page! Thanks to all those who let us know about it. Sorry it took so long to get to fixing it.



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Actual Size of ACLU buttons.

Feminine Protection

I'd Rather Be Destroying Pornography

Don't Kneel at the Altar of Patriarchy

Violence in the Media=Violence in Society

Pornography Violates My Civil Rights

Beauty Hurts (mold of white womanhood photo)

Sex Harassment is a Hate Crime

How Dare You Assume I'm Non-Violent?

ACLU-We Tear Into Sexism (with ripped Penthouses)

Abortion is a Right of Equality Not Privacy

Learn to Burn: Flags Don't Burn By Themselves They Need Your Help

This is not an image of Liberty

Rape: Mainstream Entertainment For Men

Men & Women Were Created Equal and Smith & Wesson Makes Damn Sure it Stays That Way (on black)

Learn to Burn-Pornography Doesn't Burn by Itself-It Needs Your Help
Each of these buttons are three inches in diameter, not the smaller size shown in the links.
Stop: Rape, Battery, Incest, Femicide
Castrate Rapists (Real razor included.)
Pornography IS Censorship

Femicide: Stop Killing Women

Men & Women Were Created Equal and Smith & Wesson Makes Damn Sure it Stays That Way (not on black)

Patriarchy, Pornography, Prostitution-Crosswords

When Justice is Gone, There's Always Force: Laurie Anderson

Goddess with Guns

Pornography: Look At How You Look At Her

So Many Men, So Little Intelligence 

Protected by Thelma & Louise

Pornography: Look At How You Look At Her (French)

So Many Men, So Little Ammo   

Bondage is not Liberation: If You Love Somebody Set Them Free

Dismember Male Imperialism
Visualize Yourself Blowing Up A Pornshop

Real Women Don't Eat Men 

Patriarchy: 5,000 Years of S/M: Are We Bored Yet?

I Think Therefore I'm Dangerous

Anti-Porn Tearerist

No Dickheads 

Cut it Out Or We'll Cut it Off

Mitchell Brothers: 1 Down 1 to Go

Heterosexually Impaired   

The Quickest Way to a Batterer is Through His Stomach/Women Control the Food Source/Poison The Fucker!

But I Wanna Be Part Of The Problem --Nikki Craft

NAMBLAPHILES: Don't Fuck With Children or We'll Fuck with YOU 

Know the Bastard on Top of You: Andrea Dworkin

Better Paranoid, Than Sorry

Batterers Beware! The Woman at Your Feet Today Will Be at Your Throat Tomorrow. 

What I'm saying is that everyone of us has the responsibility to be the womean that Marc Lepine wanted to murder.--Andrea Dworkin

There is Danger in Fighting. There is also Danger in Not Fighting.

Stop McDonalds Button/Protect Our Community
Protect Our Community (No McDonalds) 

I'm A Feminist (Not the Fun Kind)

Women Unite/Take Back the Fight/Goddess with Labrys

Preying Mantis Women's Brigade: Escher

Think Mean (w/evil smiley face) 

Feminism Exists So That No Woman Ever Has To Face Her Oppressor in a Vacuum, Alone.--Andrea Dworkin
Women! Bite the Hand that Feeds, Leeds, Bleeds You 

Preying Mantis Women's Brigade: Mating Mantids

Your Silence Will Not Protect You: Audre Lorde 

We Have to be the Women Who Stand Between Men and the Women they Want to Hurt.--Andrea Dworkin

Men Don't TakeUs Seriously Because They're Not Physically Afraid Of Us: Ellen Willis

Preying Mantis Women's Brigade (Single Mantis less Yin/Yang)

If Voting Could Change the System It Wouldn't be Legal 

Feminism Require Precisely What Misogyny Destroys in Women: Unimpeachable Bravery In Confronting Male Power.--Andrea Dworkin

Kennedy Smith (Just when you think a button is out of date)

Evil Smiley Face 

Whatever Intercourse is, it is not freedom; and if it cannot exist without objectification, it will never be.--Andrea Dworkin

Dead Men Don't Rape   

No Choice No Liberty: Abortion is Healthcare: Healthcare is a Right
If Questions Make the Holy Penis Unhappy, Who Could Survive What Answers Might Do?--Andrea Dworkin

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Opinion about buttons:

To submit your comments, press this button:
To clear the form, press this button:
Go Back to Buttons Page.

Any questions about this ordering process
please go to our Marketplace or email us.
We value your feedback to make this process easier!

Actual Size of ACLU buttons.

Want to read how the American Civil Liberties Union attempted to curb our rights to free speech and how they physically assaulted us at their fundraising meeting in San Francisco?


For information about ordering these buttons
go to the ACLU Marketplace

Free ACLU Stationery!



Since 11.26.01