"Celies Revenge knows a true revolutionary must not be like her enemies! And a true revolutionary believes in turning the other cheek! So just check out her profile pic! HER ASS IS NOTHING LIKE HER ENEMIES!"

Two hours later. "Celies Revenge is forcing herself to eat. You know those evil white heifers are getting to her if they are fucking with a sisters appetite!" ~~Jennifer McLune, Celies Revenge Status update for October 14, 2009 about the women at Off Our Backs.

Three years ago I was first called a racist and white supremacist by Jennifer McLune. I have been accused of many other things as well since, both related to Jennifer and not.

For instance in the last few weeks Celria Cel wrote in private email to Angie Manzano that I had been posting publicly using a false name saying that I wanted Jennifer's dog to die. I am an animal rights activist and this is a vile and untrue charge to make against me. I would never wish any harm would come to a dog, or any animal, for any reason.

When I challenged Celria about it she explained that she was now realizing that was another woman's website that it was on (Lizzie's) and that Lizzie was only saying she wished Jennifer would neuter her dog. Jennifer has made this accusation to other people besides Celria about me wanting her dog dead. Then, as in other accusations she fabricates, the false accusation builds until Jennifer is posting five status updates here about me planning to make a video about her Chihuahua when I never said anything like that ever. Also on those same status updates she compares what has been done to her as lynching without the ropes which I think should be hugely politically problematic for anyone who truly cares about the meaning of the word lynching. She concoted every word on the previous link. This is an example of only one of her misrepresentation and how it spreads.

The more recent name calling accusations have been made on many blogs and websites in connection with McLune leaving the off our backs collective by her and "Divine Purpose." (Link documents disproving Jennifer's misrepresentations about the circumstances of her leaving oob.) I have been accused of being a white supremacist; a charge that made me very hurt and angry until I have documented all this and now it's not going to bother me to hear it because I can just send people to these pages.

I have also been accused of "outing" "Divine Purpose" by Divine originally and continue to be accused by numerous of her and Jennifer's friends and allies. This is a false allegation and I'm just realizing it was a reasonable misunderstanding between Divine and me. I will write this out in more detail soon. Another related accusation is that I silenced "Divine Purpose" and ran her off the internet. This is absolutely false. In an earlier email written to her from me I specifically informed her that I did not want her to silence her voice, but that I just wanted the unsubstantiated accusations stopped. I also passed that message on to her thru a mutual friend.

The Lie Detector website is a place where I can counter some of these false allegations in general and also a place where I can post relevant documents so people can access and judge for themselves. ~~Nikki Craft, ongoing from 11.10.09


Nikki Craft's Statement

Narcissistic Personality Disorder & Political and Personal Alliances

Sheila Jeffrey is a WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST!! ... And so's Nikki Craft


The case of Kim P. being a WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST... according to Jennifer McLune
& Jennifer McLune's misrepresentation of the White Woman Shopper being a racist and backing up the Racist Store Clerk in the video Shopping While Black.

Jennifer McLune claimed she got no response from the women at oob when she got laid off. Here is her email announcing she was laid off and two oob responses to it.

Karla Mantilla's statement responding to Jennifer McLune's accusations and other relevant articles and documents.

Angie Manzano Information Page

About Jennifer McLune's Scheduled Job Interview with the CIA in July, 2009

I have never ever considered working for the Central Intelligence Agency in any form or fashion. However Jennifer McLune , the woman who is accusing me of being a white supremacist, did. What's that about? In July, 2009 she was scheduled to report for a job interview at their Headquarters in Washingon D.C. This is substantiated in an email exchange where, when asked why she would do such an interview, she replied, "WHY NOT? They are hiring librarians. ... it's a government job. great benefits. it's just an interview" Did she go on the interview? She claimed the next day that she did not show up at the interview, but I don't know if she did or not. Did the CIA specifically run those ads for librarians to recruit her? I don't know that either. No one does. But any peripheral events beyond the fact that she was going on the interview is not relevant to this writing. What is relevant is that by her own definition of what a white supremacist is that applying for a job at the CIA would have to be the most white supremacist act there could ever be. Here's _what's wrong_ with any activist having any interaction with the CIA, even a friendly phone call. What does this mean to other activists and who can be unknowingly jeopardized? Why not have anything to do with the CIA? Because the C.I.A. has been the perpetrator of genocide against people of color from the streets of New York to Los Angeles, from Guatemala to Afghanistan and Iraq freely using invasions, bombings, overthrowing governments, occupations, suppressing movements for social change, assassinating political leaders, perverting elections, manipulating labor unions, manufacturing "news," economic and political sanctions, death squads, torture, biological warfare, depleted uranium, drug trafficking and mercenaries. They are the most powerful White Supremacist force on the planet and that's what's wrong with political activists cooperating with them at any level; or even thinking about it; or even asking why not about cooperating with them. ~~Nikki Craft

[...] Things have been brought to my attention and understanding that weren’t clear from the outset. There has indeed been a bunch of drama surrounding this. I respect that you don’t want to be involved, and regret getting involved myself."-- Divine Purpose to another woman who was expressing hesitation about joining Jennifer McLune in the attack against oob. 10/16/09 [Divine Purpose was Jennifer McLune's closest ally in her fight against oob. Published here in the last comment on the page.]

Comic Relief
Tired of reading these more serious articles and accounts on this page? This section is for you. Coming Soon.

**you will find an over abundance of the words "OR ELSE" "WHITE WOMEN MUST BE STOPPED!!", capitalizations and exclamation marks throughout these posts and they are satirizations of Jennifer McLune and "Divine Purpose" postings.

I will be updating these pages as long as is necessary to ensure everything is included that I want for the final document. ~~Nikki Craft, 11.10.09

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